Birding Walk in Finca El Pilar

Briding Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala

Experience a budget-friendly full or half-day birding walk with the experts at Finca El Pilar, Cerro Cucurucho. Explore diverse forest habitats and encounter a variety of bird species.

What's Included:
  • Expert birding guide (Knut Eisermann or Claudia Avendaño).
  • Entrance fee.
  • Bird checklist.
What to Expect:

During this tour, tourists have the opportunity to see the following bird species:

  • Gray Silky-flycatcher (Ptiliogonys cinereus)
  • Crescent-chested Warbler (Oreothlypis superciliosa)
  • Northern Emerald-Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus)
  • Rufous Sabrewing (Pampa rufa)
  • Band-backed Wren (Campylorhynchus zonatus)
  • Violet Sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus)
  • Collared Trogon (Trogon collaris)
  • Cabanis’s Wren (Cantorchilus modestus)
  • Bar-winged Oriole (Icterus maculialatus)
  • Brown-backed Solitaire (Myadestes occidentalis)
  • Brown-capped Vireo (Vireo leucophrys)
  • Black-vented Oriole (Icterus wagleri)
  • Yellowish Flycatcher (Empidonax flavescens)
  • Green-throated Mountain-gem (Lampornis viridipallens)
  • Singing Quail (Dactylortyx thoracicus)
  • Bushy-crested Jay (Cyanocorax melanocyaneus)
  • White-winged Tanager (Piranga leucoptera)
  • Guatemalan Tyrannulet (Zimmerius vilissimus)
  • White-eared Ground-Sparrow (Melozone leucotis)
  • Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus)
  • Black-headed Siskin (Spinus notatus)
  • Blue-throated Motmot (Aspatha gularis)

Please note that bird sightings can vary depending on the season and specific locations visited during the tour. The actual variety of birds seen during the trip may vary. It is recommended to refer to the specific tour details provided by the tour operator for the most accurate and comprehensive list of birds commonly observed during their tours.

Additional Information:

This private birding walk offers an immersive nature experience, with no transportation included. Meet at Finca El Pilar and embark on an unforgettable birding adventure.

Start here planning your relaxed birding day from Antigua Guatemala, by using our online form, by Email, or by telephone / WhatsApp / Signal: +502 5308 5160.

Cost per person:
US$ 40.00 per person
Age / Max Group:
All ages, No limit specified
To be disclosed upon contact with Birding Antigua
Start Time(s):
By appointment
Languages Spoken:
English, Spanish, German
Opening Hours:
Always Open
Days Closed: