In this module, you will learn 30 common Spanish verbs that start with the letter “A,” their English translations, and how to use them in sentences in various tenses (present, past, and future). These verbs will help you express yourself in a wide variety of situations, from talking about daily activities to expressing intentions and experiences.
Acabar (to finish)
Admirar (to admire)
Aceptar (to accept)
Ayudar (to help)
Alquilar (to rent)
Abrir (to open)
Adivinar (to guess)
Acercar (to approach)
Aguantar (to endure, to tolerate)
Amar (to love)
Andar (to walk)
Aprender (to learn)
Almorzar (to have lunch)
Asistir (to attend)
Aplaudir (to applaud)
Aprobar (to approve, to pass)
Acostar (to put to bed)
Aterrizar (to land)
Atender (to attend to, to take care of)
Anunciar (to announce)
Arrancar (to start [an engine], to pull out)
Atraer (to attract)
Aprovechar (to take advantage of)
Apagar (to turn off)
Adivinar (to guess, to predict)
Arreglar (to fix, to arrange)
Aliviar (to relieve)
Atraer (to attract)
Amortiguar (to cushion, to soften)
Arrepentir (to regret)
In this section, we’ve covered 30 Spanish verbs starting with “A.” These verbs are widely used and can help you express actions and states across various situations. Practicing these in different tenses will help you become more versatile in speaking and writing Spanish.