Module 36: Spanish Verbs Letter "F"

In this module, we will explore 30 common Spanish verbs beginning with the letter “F.” You will learn their English translations, how to use them in sentences, and practice using them in different tenses (present, past, and future). These verbs will allow you to expand your vocabulary and enhance your ability to express a wide range of actions.

Verbs and Their Translations:

  • Fabricar (fah-bree-KAHR) – to manufacture, to make
  • Fallar (fah-YAHR) – to fail, to miss
  • Fomentar (foh-MEN-tahr) – to promote, to encourage
  • Fiar (fee-AHR) – to trust, to sell on credit
  • Fumar (foo-MAHR) – to smoke
  • Formar (fohr-MAHR) – to form, to shape
  • Firmar (FEER-mahr) – to sign
  • Freír (freh-EER) – to fry
  • Filmar (FEEL-mahr) – to film
  • Forzar (fohr-SAHR) – to force
  • Fomentar (foh-MEN-tahr) – to encourage, to promote
  • Fingir (feen-HEER) – to pretend, to fake
  • Florecer (flohr-eh-SEHR) – to bloom, to flower
  • Frustrar (froos-TRAHR) – to frustrate
  • Fallar (fah-YAHR) – to fail, to miss
  • Fundar (foon-DAHR) – to found, to establish
  • Festejar (fehs-teh-HAHR) – to celebrate, to party
  • Filtrar (feel-TRAHR) – to filter
  • Fugar (foo-GAHR) – to escape
  • Facilitar (fah-see-lee-TAHR) – to facilitate, to make easier
  • Fallar (fah-YAHR) – to miss, to fail
  • Fletar (fleh-TAHR) – to charter, to hire
  • Freír (freh-EER) – to fry
  • Fecundar (feh-koon-DAHR) – to fertilize
  • Fomentar (foh-MEN-tahr) – to encourage, to promote
  • Fruncir (froons-CEER) – to frown, to wrinkle
  • Fugir (foo-GEER) – to flee, to escape
  • Facilitar (fah-see-lee-TAHR) – to facilitate, to ease
  • Fugarse (foo-GAHR-seh) – to run away, to escape
  • Fallar (fah-YAHR) – to fail, to miss

Verbs in Sentences:

Fabricar (to manufacture, to make)

    • Present: Yo fabrico muebles de madera. (I make wooden furniture.)
    • Past: Ellos fabricaron las sillas el año pasado. (They manufactured the chairs last year.)
    • Future: Mi hermano fabricará la casa de madera. (My brother will build the wooden house.)


Fallar (to fail, to miss)

    • Present: Tú fallas siempre en los exámenes. (You always fail the exams.)
    • Past: Ella falló en su intento de ganar. (She failed in her attempt to win.)
    • Future: Nosotros fallaremos si no estudiamos más. (We will fail if we don’t study more.)


Fomentar (to promote, to encourage)

    • Present: El gobierno fomenta la educación. (The government promotes education.)
    • Past: Ellos fomentaron una campaña contra la violencia. (They promoted a campaign against violence.)
    • Future: Yo fomentarás la cultura en nuestra ciudad. (I will encourage culture in our city.)


Fiar (to trust, to sell on credit)

    • Present: Ella me fia siempre cuando no tengo dinero. (She always trusts me when I don’t have money.)
    • Past: Tú no me fiaste el dinero la última vez. (You didn’t trust me with the money last time.)
    • Future: Yo te fiaré mis ahorros. (I will trust you with my savings.)


Fumar (to smoke)

    • Present: Nosotros no fumamos en público. (We don’t smoke in public.)
    • Past: Ayer, ellos fumaron fuera de la tienda. (Yesterday, they smoked outside the store.)
    • Future: Yo dejaré de fumar en el futuro. (I will quit smoking in the future.)


Formar (to form, to shape)

    • Present: Tú formas parte del equipo. (You are part of the team.)
    • Past: Nosotros formamos una alianza con otros países. (We formed an alliance with other countries.)
    • Future: Ellos formarán un grupo de trabajo. (They will form a work group.)


Firmar (to sign)

    • Present: Ella firma todos los documentos. (She signs all the documents.)
    • Past: Tú firmaste el contrato ayer. (You signed the contract yesterday.)
    • Future: Nosotros firmaremos el acuerdo mañana. (We will sign the agreement tomorrow.)


Freír (to fry)

    • Present: Yo frío las papas en aceite caliente. (I fry the potatoes in hot oil.)
    • Past: Ellos freyeron los camarones anoche. (They fried the shrimp last night.)
    • Future: Tú freirás las croquetas mañana. (You will fry the croquettes tomorrow.)


Filmar (to film)

    • Present: Nosotros filmamos en el estudio. (We film in the studio.)
    • Past: Ellos filmaron una película el año pasado. (They filmed a movie last year.)
    • Future: Yo filmaré el evento el próximo mes. (I will film the event next month.)


Forzar (to force)

    • Present: Tú fuerzas a la gente a trabajar más. (You force people to work harder.)
    • Past: Ella forzó la puerta con una llave. (She forced the door with a key.)
    • Future: Nosotros no forzaremos la situación. (We will not force the situation.)


Fomentar (to encourage, to promote)

    • Present: Él fomenta el reciclaje en su comunidad. (He promotes recycling in his community.)
    • Past: Tú fomentaste el uso de bicicletas el año pasado. (You promoted the use of bicycles last year.)
    • Future: Yo fomentarás la participación en el evento. (I will encourage participation in the event.)


Fingir (to pretend, to fake)

    • Present: Ella finge estar enferma. (She pretends to be sick.)
    • Past: Tú fingiste ser alguien más en la fiesta. (You pretended to be someone else at the party.)
    • Future: Nosotros fingiremos estar ocupados para evitar la reunión. (We will pretend to be busy to avoid the meeting.)


Florecer (to bloom, to flower)

    • Present: Las flores florecen en primavera. (The flowers bloom in spring.)
    • Past: El jardín floreció después de la lluvia. (The garden bloomed after the rain.)
    • Future: Mis plantas florecerán el próximo mes. (My plants will bloom next month.)


Frustrar (to frustrate)

    • Present: Este problema me frustra mucho. (This problem frustrates me a lot.)
    • Past: La falta de tiempo frustró sus planes. (The lack of time frustrated his plans.)
    • Future: Ellos frustrarán los esfuerzos si no cooperan. (They will frustrate the efforts if they don’t cooperate.)


Fallar (to miss, to fail)

    • Present: Ella falla en su examen de matemáticas. (She fails her math exam.)
    • Past: Nosotros fallamos en nuestra misión. (We failed in our mission.)
    • Future: Tú fallarás si no practicas más. (You will fail if you don’t practice more.)


Fundar (to found, to establish)

    • Present: Ellos fundan una nueva empresa. (They found a new company.)
    • Past: Yo fundé una organización benéfica hace años. (I founded a charity organization years ago.)
    • Future: Nosotros fundaremos una escuela en el próximo año. (We will found a school next year.)


Festejar (to celebrate, to party)

    • Present: Nosotros festejamos el cumpleaños de mi hermana. (We celebrate my sister’s birthday.)
    • Past: Tú festejaste la victoria anoche. (You celebrated the victory last night.)
    • Future: Ellos festejarán su aniversario la próxima semana. (They will celebrate their anniversary next week.)


Filtrar (to filter)

    • Present: Yo filtro el agua antes de beberla. (I filter the water before drinking it.)
    • Past: Ellos filtraron la información errónea. (They filtered the incorrect information.)
    • Future: Nosotros filtraremos los resultados después de la reunión. (We will filter the results after the meeting.)


Fugar (to escape)

    • Present: Ella fugarse de la cárcel. (She escapes from the prison.)
    • Past: Tú fugaste a otro país el año pasado. (You escaped to another country last year.)
    • Future: Ellos fugirán si no toman precauciones. (They will escape if they don’t take precautions.)


Facilitar (to facilitate, to make easier)

    • Present: Yo facilito el acceso a la información. (I facilitate access to the information.)
    • Past: Tú facilitaste el proceso de inscripción. (You facilitated the registration process.)
    • Future: Ella facilitará el trabajo mañana. (She will facilitate the work tomorrow.)


Fallar (to miss, to fail)

    • Present: Ella falla al no estudiar. (She fails by not studying.)
    • Past: Nosotros fallamos el examen de ayer. (We failed yesterday’s exam.)
    • Future: Tú fallarás si no prestas atención. (You will fail if you don’t pay attention.)


Fletar (to charter, to hire)

    • Present: Ellos fletan un avión privado para el viaje. (They charter a private plane for the trip.)
    • Past: Tú fletaste un autobús para el evento. (You chartered a bus for the event.)
    • Future: Nosotros fletaremos un barco para el crucero. (We will charter a boat for the cruise.)


Freír (to fry)

    • Present: Yo fríe los huevos en la mañana. (I fry the eggs in the morning.)
    • Past: Tú freíste las empanadas ayer. (You fried the empanadas yesterday.)
    • Future: Ellos freirán las papas más tarde. (They will fry the potatoes later.)


Fecundar (to fertilize)

    • Present: Ellos fecundan las plantas cada semana. (They fertilize the plants every week.)
    • Past: Tú fecundaste el suelo el mes pasado. (You fertilized the soil last month.)
    • Future: Yo fecundaré mi jardín en primavera. (I will fertilize my garden in the spring.)


Fomentar (to promote, to encourage)

    • Present: Él fomenta la paz en el mundo. (He promotes peace in the world.)
    • Past: Nosotros fomentamos la creatividad en la clase. (We promoted creativity in the class.)
    • Future: Tú fomentarás el respeto en tu comunidad. (You will promote respect in your community.)


Fruncir (to frown, to wrinkle)

    • Present: Ella frunce el ceño cuando está molesta. (She frowns when she is upset.)
    • Past: Tú frunciste el ceño al ver la noticia. (You frowned when you saw the news.)
    • Future: Nosotros frunciremos el ceño si no cambia la situación. (We will frown if the situation doesn’t change.)


Fugir (to flee, to escape)

    • Present: Ellos huyen del peligro. (They flee from danger.)
    • Past: Nosotros huimos de la tormenta ayer. (We fled from the storm yesterday.)
    • Future: Tú huirás si algo malo sucede. (You will flee if something bad happens.)


Facilitar (to facilitate)

    • Present: Ella facilita las reuniones de trabajo. (She facilitates the work meetings.)
    • Past: Tú facilitaste el acceso al sistema ayer. (You facilitated the access to the system yesterday.)
    • Future: Ellos facilitarán las pruebas la próxima vez. (They will facilitate the tests next time.)


Fugarse (to run away)

    • Present: El perro se fuga de la casa. (The dog runs away from the house.)
    • Past: Ellos se fugaban cuando eran niños. (They used to run away when they were children.)
    • Future: Tú te fugarás si no te cuidas. (You will run away if you don’t take care of yourself.)


Fallar (to fail, to miss)

  • Present: Yo fallo muchas veces en el ajedrez. (I fail many times in chess.)
  • Past: Tú fallaste en tu intento de sorprenderme. (You failed in your attempt to surprise me.)
  • Future: Ellos fallarán si no toman los correctos. (They will fail if they don’t make the right choices.)

End of Module 36: Review

In this section, we’ve covered 30 Spanish verbs starting with “F.” These verbs are widely used and can help you express actions and states across various situations. Practicing these in different tenses will help you become more versatile in speaking and writing Spanish.